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Project Description

The proposed tower sit next to the existing KVDA tower and will share the same vertical core. Both towers are conceived to be landmarks of Eldoret exploiting magnificent panoramic views. Since inception, our Design intent was to create a contemporary high rise office building which will become a recognisable landmark not just in Eldoret but also in the wider Kenyan context.

Our Design intent was to create a landmark building. In order to achieve a landmark, anywhere in the world, the building needs to be loved.

To be loved, anything and especially a building, needs to be approachable by people.

For buildings such as our proposed KVDA tower, approachable means accessible so that it becomes an integral part of the everyday city life. Our approach was therefore to design the building keeping in mind the public accessibility as a strategy to add value to the building. Every Design decision made during the development of the tower was based on this concept complemented by keen understanding of function and value.

Type: Commission
Client: CWY Co. Ltd
Collaborators: Armstrong and Duncan, Samalex Engineers, Sanix Engineers
Size: 10,000sqm
Location: Eldoret, Kenya
Status: Completed (2016)